Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Minister: Skvortsova Veronika Igorevna
Address: 127994, GSP-4, Moscow, Rakhmanovsky lane, 3
Hotline: 8-800-200-03-89
Help phone: 8(495)628-44-53, 8(495)627-29-44
Phone number for citizens: 8(495)627-29-93
St. Petersburg Health Committee
Chairman of the Committee – Lisovets Dmitry Gennadievich
Address: 191011, St. Petersburg, Malaya Sadovaya st., 1
Phone: (812) 571-34-06
Hotline of the Health Committee: (812)63-555-77
By phone ‘hot line’ of the Health Committee 63-555-77 round-the-clock reception of oral appeals of citizens on the illegal actions of medical workers.
The work of the telephone ‘hot line’ is aimed at implementing the law of St. Petersburg dated December 22, 2008 No. 750-142 ‘On quality control of medical care in St. Petersburg.’
Doctor on duty of the Healthcare Committee: (812) 571-09-06.
For general questions: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00 to16:00,
For drug supply: Tuesday from 10:00 to13:00,
Thursday from 14:00 to 16:30
Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations
Head of the Department for Coordinating the Activities of Institutions in the Field of Health Protection of the Department for Coordination and Support of the Activities of Organizations in the Field of Medical Sciences, Health Protection, Education and Culture of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations
Vdovina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Phone: 8 (499) 237-55-31
Territorial body of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region (Roszdravnadzor)
Head of the body of the Federal Service – Kulev Andrey Gennadievich
Address: 190068, St. Petersburg, Griboedov Canal, 88-90
Reception: tel./fax: (812) 314-67-89;
Department of Licensing and License Control: (812) 571-39-73;
Department of control and supervision: (812) 310-61-75;
http ://78 reg . roszdravnadzor . ru /